New Moon Ritual May 2015

Manifesting New Moon Ritual May 17-18th, 2015 It’s time to BRING light to your hopes, dreams, prayers and intentions. You can break free into your dreams.  Significant cycles of change have been stirring and shaking up long held patterns for several months now. We are at important crossroads of change. Clarity of intention holds real power to impact the new manifesting changes that are ready to evolve next… on a very personal and global level for each of us.  Bring the light of awareness to what your soul is here to do next.  Lots of energy stirring right now as it seeks to be grounded into the next best practical steps for balance and well-being.  Have you felt emotionally charged about something recently? Obsessively dwelling on something specific?  Deeply desiring a resolution over something?  Those feelings and energies are guiding to you toward your desired change. Align with your intentions. Let your whole heart be true and open to what is ready to come forth next for you. Join me, and thousands of others around the world as we “write it right” (pen to paper - antenna to God/Universe) with prayers, hopes, intentions and dreams in our hearts. Lighting our candles together around the world.  + PLUS, I will be hosting a special Teleseminar for the May Manifesting New Moon on Sunday, May 17th @4:00 pm PST/ 7:00 pm EST. (be sure you are on my email list for details) I will be sharing how to best use this current cycle to manifest profound change. Including, the upcoming Mercury Retrograde period that begins following the May new moon.  Namaste my...
April New Moon 2015

April New Moon 2015

Time to bring light to intentions, hopes and dreams. Bring the light of presence to what you want to intend into your present life!
Use the power of this weekend to invite the spark of light for the inner alignment of your dreams.
The way chirping birds can tell us a new day has begun, the moon’s movement speaks to us on cycles, balancing alignments, and new beginnings. We can use this boosting time of the new moon to bring light to our intentions, hopes, and dreams that want to emerge and expand.
The April new moon is a powerful time to allow our intentions to spring forth into tangible form. It is a time of new beginnings, new cycles of new growth, and manifestations.

July 2014 Manifesting New Moon

Super-charge your desired manifestations! New Moon ~ Saturday, July 26th. Bring to light your hopes and dreams. Do you feel the pull right now? It’s a pull that stirs the heart, thoughts, desires and aspirations in areas that want change, impact and emergence into our lives? It is a common pattern these areas will stir more than usual around the time of the full/new moon alignment. Around the new moon we may feel it in a range of ways as agitation, restlessness, overwhelm, excitement or even elation. It’s the glowing light of the something inside us that wants to be brought out into our lives. Nature moves on rhythm and cycles. We optimize our capacities in co-creating in our world as we align with the natural of rhythms and cycles around us. Farmers understand this simple practice following the moon’s cycles when planting seeds to harvest more fully their desired results. We are connected to our world and we can synchronize with the natural effect these cycles bring to boost our manifestations. As we become aware of this natural cycle, we will feel this stirring and pulling that the moon impacts on our sense of being. The common saying “when the stars align” isn’t a random idea. Isn’t that a great way to live? In alignment “where the stars align” in our personal worlds and miraculous possibilities emerge out in our lives. The Manifesting New Moon Ritual gives us a way with actionable intention and prayer to tap into our own miraculous nature. Easily allowing a natural alignment with inner and outer worlds and the light of our dreams....