Yes Mantra

Yes Mantra

MONDAY MANTRA: I am BLESSED in my YES! All your power is connected to your authentic yes. The true congruent yes. Not the automated yes that comes from avoiding conflict or people pleasing that contorts you into a compromised version of yourself.

Prosperity Guide Me Mantra

Prosperity Guide Me Mantra

MONDAY MANTRA: Prosperity guides me. Prosperity finds me. Prosperity guides me. Prosperity finds me.
Saying the word… P-R-O-S-P-E-R-I-T-Y… silently and slowly to yourself evokes elevated expansion and attraction. Speaking the mantra immediately lets you shape a prosperity posture.

Showing Up Mantra

Showing Up Mantra

I am SHOWING up! Life, reveal your goodness to me. Show up fully and present… for the conversation, for the chance, for your turn, for the gift, for the answer, for the moment…. LIFE… (repeat it) I am showing up! So much gets taking care of for us when we just show up! Bow to the moment and day fully. Namaste, Anne Subscribe on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform to get all the latest episodes.   5 Easy Steps of How to Do A Full Moon Ritual Click...
Vibrational Match to Prosperous Manifesting

Vibrational Match to Prosperous Manifesting

I am a vibrational match to PROSPEROUS manifesting! Words have weight. Words become energy matches for materialization. Let these be the repeating words you would like to create your manifesting match with…. I am a vibrational match to prosperous manifesting.

March can be a month of turning up the volume to your manifesting field that is ready to come alive with favorable conditions for you. Invite your energy match to receive and be in the good fortunate of the inherent abundance that is ready to supply your good. Repeat at 3 times (three is a manifesting number) throughout the day and set the energy field for a rich prosperous week.
Beautiful Blessings await.

Connected to  Everything Mantra

Connected to Everything Mantra

I am connected to EVERYTHING I need! This simple mantra breaks the illusion of lack or blockages. Instantly aligning with the principle that we live not in a withholding universe. Connect to the miraculous serendipitous nature of life, try repeating this mantra at least 3 times with your eyes closed, daily. You are worthy of receiving what you need for your best well-being. Pull on the energy from wherever it is… you are connected to EVERYTHING you need. Let this mantra boost your week with the energy to materialize a something fabulous!